Real People Talking About Ebikes

This is our Real People page, where we gather up all our interviews with real people sharing their love of ebikes. When we first started Really Good Electric Bikes, we wanted to learn from real folks what they loved about ebikes.

We tried to talk with everyone we saw riding an electric bike, whether or not we carried that brand. Our goal was to hear from real people like you, who could share with us their stories and experiences, about how they came to be riding an electric bike.

We learned how ebikes improve people's lives, and all the benefitsthat come with ebike ownership. Our customers say this type of information is so helpful when shopping. We listened. Enjoy!


In Episode #1, we talked with a fellow in downtown Santa Barbara, who says he’s been riding ebikes for about 6 years, and hasn’t bought a gallon of gas within the last 2-½ years. He rides his bike everyday - about 20 miles - and says that he would never trade up to a motorcycle at this point. In this guy’s opinion, ebikes are about the best thing you can buy. We couldn’t agree more. 




In Episode #2, we met this couple in downtown Santa Barbara, where they have been riding ebikes for about 10 years. He was really excited when the first came out, because he really loves being on a bicycle, being outdoors, and the idea of being able to zip around town without having to turn it into a workout or exercise project. He’s always liked the freedom of a bicycle: unlike a car, you don’t have to worry about finding a parking spot, license, registration, insurance, all that kind of stuff.

The first ebikes he had were pretty unreliable and he got rid of them before they became too much of a problem. But we these newer models, you can basically go anywhere, anytime without a hassle. Completely free. The only downside is that they’re expensive enough that you worry about where to lock them up, and worry about them getting stolen, but that is really the only downside that he can think of. 




In Episode #3, we had the great fortune to meet an elusive electric skateboard rider. He was riding an Evolve Edition All-Terrain, which he considers better than the Boosted board [you can check out all the e-boards we carry here] because the streets around town are not the best, and the 8-inch wheels can go over all the bumps. Dude tells us it has really a lot of speed, good regenerative braking (which charges the battery when engaged), and a wireless controller which shows mph, battery life, and other deets you need to know. Watch the end of the video when the dude zips away - uphill. xD





In Episode #4, we are in downtown Santa Barbara, right across the street from the famous Granada Theater. This guy tells us that he got into ebikes when he lived up on the Mesa in (a very hilly area of town) and he always wanted one to get up the hill. As a wedding gift, his friend actually have him and his new wife a pair of ebikes (generous friend, huh?).

But truth be told, ebikes are often sold in pairs! Well, those ebikes old and heavy, so eventually upgraded to newer models. One of the best aspects of owning an ebike is that you can act like you’re on a scooter, but you get the benefitsof riding a bicycle. So much freedom to go wherever you want to go, whenever you want to go. And you can pedal when you want to get a bit of a workout if you want to. You also save a lot on gas.





In Episode #5, we a guy who’s been riding ebikes for about 8 years. He started out with a Curry, with its little motor in the back, but it didn’t have much power. We asked him what he is currently riding, and he said that it used to be a Wave Crest Tidal Force, but they went out of business, so he bought a different hub motor and put it in the back, and he’s using the battery from the Wave Crest in the front. What’s his favorite thing about ebikes? It’s easy on the knees. Very convenient. Lot of fun.





In Episode #6, we meet a very nice couple coming back from the Earth Day festival. She’s on a sit/stand electric scooter, and he’s walking because he left his scooter at home. This e-scoot was given to her by her brother-in-law, who got one for her sister to do errands (it has a basket on it). For her, however, it’s purely recreational. They love it for rides along the beach. They get a lot of looks. It’s a fun way to spend a Saturday afternoon. Check out our collection of electric scooters here.




In Episode #7, we hear from Tim Stone, a staff member of the EOPS program at Santa Barbara City College. The Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) is a state-funded support program designed to provide academic support, financial assistance and encouragement for eligible, financially disadvantaged, and academically underprepared students.

Tim describes many of the common benefits of ebike commuting. They have a program to cut down on traffic, air pollution and parking. He loves riding around town everyday, and commuting to work. It’s a fantastic experience. It’s a great way to exercise. With three different levels of power assist: eco, standard and high.

You pick the level you want based on the amount of resistance there is. The ebike also comes with gears, which many people may not realize, which allows you to adjust the level of effort you need to use when pedaling. It’s a breeze climbing up hills, and when he gets to work he’s not at all sweaty, and he doesn’t need to take a shower. But on the ride home, he can push as hard as he wants, work out as much as he wants, just like a conventional bike.



May is #bikemonth in Santa Barbara, and in this Episode #8 of Real People Talking About Ebikes, we're at a CycleMAYnia event at Paseo Nuevo, where we found an ebike family. This guy is riding a E-Joe Epik SE, one of the most popular ebikes we carry at Really Good Electric Bikes. He bought it used from a guy in town off of Craigslist (it was a rep’s demo bike).

He learned from the rep about the ebike batteries and how the technology has really improved over the last few years, and how new lithium ion batteries can be charged thousands of times before they need to be replaced. Originally he was just looking for a folding bike, but when he discovered a folding bike that was also electric, he figured he’d go for it.

He originally thought he would put a bike seat on the back for his kid, but ended up adding a trail bike. His kid loves it. He’s like “dad, go faster, hit the accelerator, c’mon pass mom, dad, let’s do it”. Tons of family fun, for sure!



In this Episode #9 of Real People Talking About Ebikes, we met Dave from New Zealand, who tells us that he got introduced to the fat wheel ebikes in Seattle, Washington, and it’s just the best thing around. What he loves most about ebikes that when you get tired the bike doesn’t. And when the wind comes up, it’s got your back.





In Episode #10 of Real People Talking About Ebikes, we meet John, the Apple Store genius. He tells us about how he was surfing the web and found an ebike commercial that was filmed in town, he followed the link and ended up buying his new ebike online (you know we love hearing that). The Sondors ebike in question had its start as a Kickstarter project, it comes with a 350W motor, and John was smart to buy a few extra batteries, so he would never experience any down time.  

John normally plans rides of about 25 miles or a few hours of ride time, but he’s actually gotten up to 40 miles on a single charge.

You can see in the video that this ebike is rather sturdy, with 4” fat tires (John tells us the original version were actually 4.9” wide). This company also makes a “thin” version of their ebike, and recently came out with a folding version as well.

Among the many benefits of ebikes, John enjoys the fact that he can travel longer distances without getting tired, and that he’s actually riding more than he did on his regular bike. We’ve heard this from many of our customers, that having an ebike has actually gotten them to become more physically active.

John tells us that since he got his ebike, he rides about 100 miles per week, and has actually lost 16 pounds and 2 inches from his waist. Great job John, and thanks for sharing your story with readers of the Really Good Electric Bikes blog.




In Episode #11 of Real People, we talk with one of our new friends in Santa Barbara, who was kind enough to tell us about his electric scooter. This stand-on 3-wheel electric scooter is quite similar to the PET Pro Flex 500 personal transportation electric scooter carried by Really Good Electric. These are easy to use, affordable and 100% stable transportation alternative vehicle to help people with limited mobility get around.


Our friend tells us that the scooter makes it easy for him to get around the Farmer’s Market, going up and down State Street. He says when you get older you need something like this. He can ride for about 6 hours on one charge if you don’t go too fast (that’s 12 one-half hour rides).





In Episode #12 of Real People Talking About Ebikes, we talk with a “young” couple in downtown Santa Barbara, who share their love of ebikes. They’ve had their ebikes for about one year, and with a 48Vbattery and mid-drive motor, they can ride up to 40 miles on a single charge. The husband tells us that they recently rode down to Carpinteria and back (about 30 round trip) and even had some battery power left over at the end of the ride. 

The husband tells us that their ebikes can tackle all the hills around town - and if you’ve ever been to Santa Barbara - aka the American Riviera - you know there are some really steep hills encompassing the city.

The wife tells us that ebikes make it so much fun to go out for a bike ride. When you get home after a ride you don’t have to spend the rest of the day recovering. And believe it or not, they both are in their 70s. They can go for a 2 or 3 hour bike ride, and still have enough energy for the rest of the day. All I can say is, WOW, such an inspiration. It’s wonderful, and you should try it.





Followers of this blog may know that most of our Real People episodes are filmed in downtown Santa Barbara, where ebike riders are easy to find. With its hilly Riviera and flat bike paths along the beach, Santa Barbara is one of the best places to go for a bike ride, whether on a conventional bike or an electric bike.

In this episode, however, we venture south to the coastal town of Ventura, where we ran into two couples on an RV trip - and all of them had an electric bike.



One of the benefits of an ebike is that you don’t have to pedal if you don’t want to. With a throttle control, all you have to do is push a thumb lever or twist the throttle, and the ebike zips along on its own power. The best ebikes come with pedal assist and a throttle, so you can decide how best to engage the electric motor.

As our friends say in the video, ebikes are easy to operate, easy to ride and you can get places faster without breaking a sweat. And they are just so much fun to ride.

And my favorite quote from this interview: “If she’s happy, I’m happy.”





In this Episode of Real People talking about ebikes, we meet a young lady at the farmer’s market in downtown Santa Barbara. She tells us that her and her husband rented ebikes in Ojai a few months ago and fell in love with them.



She says that everywhere you go here is either up or down a hill, so it was good to invest in ebikes. She uses her ebike for commuting, shopping, and short errands, and even though the ebike offers an assist, you still get a decent workout. The ebike doesn’t take over for you, it just gives you a nice little push. It helps you along, especially in hilly areas.


Are you interested in ebikes as a way to save money? Are ebikes a viable alternative to cars? In this episode of Real People Talking About Ebikes, we hear from a friend in downtown Santa Barbara, how is a proud owner of a Prodecotech Phantom X2 folding electric bike.




Because this full-size ebike can fold in half, he has taken it on the train to San Diego. He recharged the battery on the way down, and had nearly a full charge by the time he arrived. He tells us that this is one of the most affordable folding electric bikes (it currently retails on our site for $1,699, including free shipping and one year free roadside assistance).

Our friend also dispels a common belief that ebikes are hard to work on and operate. In fact, there are many after-market addons and do-it-yourself (DIY) modifications that are common with ebike owners.

What are some of the benefits of owning an ebike. Well, for one, you save gas every time you use your ebike instead of a car to get around. Our friend says he actually calculated the amount of money he saved on gas alone, and that the electric bike was fully paid off in two years. Imagine of you could get rid of your car altogether - you would also save money on parking (and parking tickets), insurance, registration and repairs, making ebike ownership an incredible savings opportunity.

Best Sellers

Ebike Holiday Sale FAQ

The Christmas Sale includes discounts on various e-bike styles such as Fat Tire, Folding, Cruiser, and Mountain bikes. Popular models from brands like Eunorau, X-Treme, and Aostirmotor are featured with exclusive savings.

The Christmas Sale is available for a limited time during the holiday season. We recommend shopping early to take advantage of these offers and ensure your e-bike arrives in time for the holidays.

After placing your order, you’ll receive an order confirmation with details on how to redeem your gift pack. If your gift pack is available for immediate shipment, it will be sent along with your order. If not, it will ship as soon as your main order is fulfilled.

Yes, we provide free shipping on all e-bike purchases during the Christmas Sale within the continental United States. Be sure to check the product details for shipping timelines and delivery estimates.
